It is critical to the success of an IBP implementation that data integrity is protected. IBP has
many built-in checks. Additionally, IBP can be configured to do further checks. During a data
load, when CPI is finished processing, IBP performs these checks.
If your source system is a single system such as SAP ERP, much of the most critical data
integrity is built in. Data integrity checks become most critical when data is received from
external sources, since the external systems may not be 100% in sync with your internal
systems. Even if all data is received from a single SAP ECC system, there can be records with
integrity errors due to timing differences between master data loads and transactional data
loads. If IBP is not configured to perform these integrity checks, CPI-DS should be used to find
errors and generate error reports.
When data integrity checks do not occur, faulty data can be loaded, aggregated values many
not equal the more granular data, and plans generated may be inaccurate. The CPI-DS
configuration specialist needs to understand what integrity checks are built into the IBP
system to deliver the best possible data to IBP. In addition, knowledge of these rules
facilitates the loading of data into IBP in the correct sequence.
Additional integrity checks can be built into the IBP data model. Attribute checks can be
added to check for:
● Attributes and keys of a simple master data type can be checked against another master
data type (this is similar to the concept of check table in ABAP) . For example: The Base UOM (UOMID) on product could be checked against UOMTOID on UOMTO and PRODUCTIONSOURCE simple master data should have its keys
checked against LOCATION (for LOCID) and PRODUCT (for PRDID).
● Attributes of a compound master data type can be checked against another master data
type. For example: The LOCATIONPRODUCT compound master data type should have its
subnetwork ID (PLUNITID) checked against PLUNITID on PLANNINGUNIT.
In addition, data loads are always checked for:
● Missing values and duplicate records
● Missing values occur when a key figure load does NOT have all its base planning level roots
● Duplicate records occur when two records in a load have the same planning level root combination
- For example: Key figure ACTUALSTOCKTRANS is being loaded and its planning level is MTHPRDCUST.
If two records in a single data load are updating CUSTID = ABC, PRDID = 123, and DATE = 09/30/2018,
both records are reported as errors.
● When records fail these tests, the records do not update IBP.
Example to configure Attribute check
In this example, we are loading a compound master data for LOCATIONPRODUCT. The IBP
configuration specialist has added a check to ensure that the PLUNITIDs (planning unit) on the
LOCATIONPRODUCT records exist in IBP before loading. This check must be configured
because PLUNITID is not a key to LOCATIONPRODUCT. Because of this configuration, record
3 is rejected by the IBP Data Integration Job.
To configure this check, the master data type must be changed. For example, to implement
the PLUNIT check, you must perform the following steps:
1. Go to LOCATIONPRODUCT master data type configuration editing.
2. Select Attribute Checks .
3. Turn on Attribute Checks .
4. Select New Attribute Check
5. Specify that PLUITID should be checked against attribute PLUNIT on the PLANNINGUNIT
master data type.
You can see that the attribute check is active.
Example to configure Key Figure Check
In this example, we are loading key figure data.
The IBP configuration specialist has added a check to ensure that a key figure cannot be loaded
if the product location combination is not already in the LOCATIONPRODUCT master in IBP before loading.
Because of this configuration, record 3 is rejected by the IBP Data Integration Job.
The data integration log reports:
Mandatory non-root "MATTRLOCATIONPRODUCT" in source MD
The steps to implement a key figure load check against compound master data includes creating an attribute,
adjusting the planning area, and adjusting the planning levels containing the compound master data type.
To implement a key figure load check against the LOCATIONPRODUCT,
the following steps are required using LOCATIONPRODUCT as an example:
● Description: Mandatory Attribute Location Product
● Length: 1
2. Add MATTRLOCATIONPRODUCT to the T##LOCATIONPRODUCT master data type and activate.
3. Add MATTRLOCATIONPRODUCT to the planning area. Mark the attribute as having an
attribute category of Required.
A key configuration step is the setting of the attribute’s category on the planning area configuration tab.
The attribute category specifies whether master data has to exist for the attribute when new planning records are added in IBP using either the Excel add-in or during data integration.
By default, all attributes have the category NULL (optional). When optional, a check is not carried out.
4. Add MATTRLOCATIONPRODUCT to planning levels that use product and location as
shown in the following figure.
5. Activate the planning area.